Navigating Smoke with FDS: A Deep Dive into CEN TS 12101 CFD Analysis for Horizontal Extraction

Introduction In the realm of fire safety engineering, effective smoke control is paramount to saving lives and protecting property. While natural smoke ventilation has its place, situations often demand active systems, such as horizontal smoke extraction. The challenge then lies in designing and validating these systems. This is where computational Read more…

Open FDS in Paraview

FDS has a dedicated post-processor named SMOKEVIEW. On the cloudHPC you have the possibility of using it directly on the remote desktop of your running simulation. An alternative to this possibility can be provided by Paraview, the common opensource post-processor, widely used for industrial and accademic cases. It is possible Read more…

JetFan model in FDS

Jet Fans are commonly elements present in car parks. They are elements whose goal is moving air, smoke and heat in case of fire towards an extraction point. JetFan model is FDS is a strategic choice when running a fire scenario. Jet Fans applications is quite common in indoor car Read more…

Align meshes in Blender FDS

Meshes define the computational domain of your simulation. Multiple meshes are useful to assign the work load to different cores, achieve a good scalability and optimize the simulation. However, it is fundamental to properly aligned abutting meshes in order to be able to run the simulation. Blender FDS tool is Read more…