SFPE – CFD FEA SERVICE cooperation

CFD FEA SERVICE Expands Reach with New Agreement with SFPE Brazil[Cologna Veneta, 08/07/2024] – CFD FEA SERVICE, a leading provider of cloud-based High Performance Computing (HPC) solutions, is thrilled to announce a new agreement with the Brazilian chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) – [https://sfpe-brasil.org/]. This partnership Read more…

Enhancing Fan Efficiency: ErP efficiency Regulation and Utilizing CFD Software

In today’s world, where energy efficiency and sustainability are becoming increasingly important, regulations governing the energy performance of appliances play a crucial role. One such regulation impacting the fan industry is the Energy-related Products (ErP) Directive in the European Union. This directive aims to improve the energy efficiency of products, Read more…

Open FDS in Paraview

FDS has a dedicated post-processor named SMOKEVIEW. On the cloudHPC you have the possibility of using it directly on the remote desktop of your running simulation. An alternative to this possibility can be provided by Paraview, the common opensource post-processor, widely used for industrial and accademic cases. It is possible Read more…