Navigating Smoke with FDS: A Deep Dive into CEN TS 12101 CFD Analysis for Horizontal Extraction

Introduction In the realm of fire safety engineering, effective smoke control is paramount to saving lives and protecting property. While natural smoke ventilation has its place, situations often demand active systems, such as horizontal smoke extraction. The challenge then lies in designing and validating these systems. This is where computational Read more…

Meeting UNI 11673-1-2017: Analyzing Thermal Performance of Windows with FEM and CalculiX

The building industry is increasingly focused on energy efficiency, and windows play a crucial role in a building’s overall thermal performance. The Italian standard UNI 11673-1-2017 provides specific requirements for evaluating the thermal transmittance (U-value) of windows and doors. One powerful method for achieving this analysis is using Finite Element Read more…

Averaging Out the Chaos: Understanding and Visualizing Time-Averaged Fields in OpenFOAM

OpenFOAM, a powerful Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) toolbox, often deals with unsteady, turbulent flows. While resolving every fluctuation can be computationally expensive and sometimes unnecessary, extracting meaningful time-averaged quantities is crucial for understanding the underlying flow physics. This is where OpenFOAM’s time-averaging function objects come in handy. This post will Read more…