Welding Verification Using Eurocodes: A Practical Guide

Published by rupole1185 on

This guide outlines the key steps for verifying welded structures according to the Eurocodes. It focuses on practical aspects, assuming a basic understanding of welding processes and structural design principles.

1. Scope and Applicability:

  • This guide primarily addresses the verification of welded steel structures according to EN 1993-1-1: Design of steel structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.
  • It covers verification of welded joints for various loading conditions.
  • It does not cover other aspects of welding like fabrication, inspection, or specific welding procedures.

2. Understanding the Eurocode Requirements:

  • EN 1993-1-1: Establishes the general principles for design of steel structures.
  • EN 1993-1-8: Design of steel structures – Part 1-8: Design of joints. Contains specific requirements for welded joints.
  • EN ISO 15614-1: Welded joints – Fusion-welded joints in steel – Requirements for welded joints. Provides detailed requirements for weld types, preparation, and execution.
  • National Annexes: Supplement the Eurocodes with country-specific requirements. Consult your national annex for any local adjustments.

3. Steps for Welding Verification:

a) Defining the Design Situation:

  • Load Cases: Identify all relevant load cases (e.g., dead load, live load, wind load, seismic load) and their combinations.
  • Design Strength: Determine the required strength of the welded joint based on the applied load cases.
  • Material Properties: Define the mechanical properties of the base materials and welding consumables (e.g., yield strength, tensile strength).

b) Joint Design and Detailing:

  • Joint Type Selection: Choose appropriate joint types based on design requirements, accessibility, and fabrication feasibility. Refer to EN 1993-1-8 and EN ISO 15614-1 for guidance on suitable joint types.
  • Weld Size and Geometry: Determine the required weld size and geometry based on the applied loads and the chosen joint type. Consider factors like weld throat thickness, weld length, and weld profile.
  • Weld Access: Ensure adequate access for welding and inspection. Consider joint design and fabrication sequence for accessibility.

c) Verifying the Weld Strength:

  • Ultimate Limit State (ULS):
    • Resistance of the welded joint: Calculate the resistance of the welded joint (R) based on the chosen weld size, geometry, and material properties. Use formulas provided in EN 1993-1-8 and EN ISO 15614-1.
    • Check the required strength against resistance: Verify that the resistance (R) of the welded joint is greater than or equal to the applied force (F) under the ULS: R ≥ F.
  • Serviceability Limit State (SLS):
    • Deformation and stiffness: Consider deformations and stiffness requirements under SLS.
    • Fatigue: If applicable, perform fatigue checks according to EN 1993-1-9.

d) Additional Considerations:

  • Welding Procedure Specification (WPS): Ensure the welding process is documented and validated by a WPS.
  • Welding Qualification: Verify that the welding personnel are qualified to perform the specified weld.
  • Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Consider the need for NDT (e.g., visual inspection, radiography, ultrasonic testing) to ensure weld quality.
  • Material Compatibility: Ensure compatibility between the base materials and welding consumables.
  • Corrosion Protection: Consider the need for corrosion protection for the welded joint.

4. Example Calculation:

  • Assumptions:
    • Welded joint: Butt weld
    • Base material: S235 steel
    • Weld material: E 420 electrode
    • Applied force: 100 kN
    • Weld throat thickness: 5 mm
    • Weld length: 100 mm
  • Resistance Calculation:
    • Based on EN 1993-1-8 and EN ISO 15614-1, the resistance (R) of the butt weld is calculated as: R = f_u * a * l
    • Where:
      • f_u = ultimate tensile strength of weld material = 420 N/mm² (from E 420 electrode)
      • a = weld throat thickness = 5 mm
      • l = weld length = 100 mm
    • R = 420 N/mm² * 5 mm * 100 mm = 210,000 N = 210 kN
  • Verification:
    • R = 210 kN ≥ F = 100 kN.
    • Therefore, the weld joint is sufficient to resist the applied load.

5. Conclusion:

Verifying the strength and suitability of welded joints according to the Eurocodes requires careful consideration of various factors. By following the outlined steps and using the relevant standards, engineers can ensure the safety and performance of welded structures.

Note: This guide is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional engineering advice. It is crucial to consult relevant standards and professional engineers for specific design and verification requirements.

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