FDS on Cloud

FDS on Cloud allows you to run FDS analysis directly using your browser and taking advantage of remote hardware resources.
Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) is a large-eddy simulation (LES) code for low-speed flows, with an emphasis on smoke and heat transport from fires. It represents the state of art when Fire Safety Engineering is involved: a new design technique which gives greater freedom to the designers as long as occupants safety is guaranteed using CFD simulations.
Thanks to the cloud HPC service it is possible to run your FDS analysis using cloud hardware resource and taking advantage of huge computing power. All you need is to generate the input FDS file using any user interface available (such as Pyrosim, CPI WIN FSE, Blender FDS just to mention the most popular) and upload it.
Using cloud computing in order to run FDS analysis gives great advantages with respect to standard machine. In particular:
✅ Possibility to allocate any number of resource. It is possible to run complex analysis with any HRR curve [Heat Release Rate], with or without sprinklers
✅ Introduce complex modelling into the simulation such as radiation, pyrolysis and droplets
✅ Take advantage of a system maintained by IT experts – you can just focus on your FDS model
✅ Parallelize the analysis – run multiple fire scenarios at the same time in order to decide the best smoke evacuation system for your case
Thanks to these advantages it’s possible to increase the sevice level you offer to your clients and be more confident of the results you provide.

In CFD FEA SERVICE cloud HPC system it is possible to run your FDS with the following feature:
✅ Use MPI and MP scalability (check this webinar form more info)
✅ Pick your customized instance
✅ Monitor your simulation in runtime
✅ Stop your simulation at any point of the calculation
✅ Take advantage of API system to automate your tasks
✅ Pay just for what you have used
✅ FDS versions available: v6.7.0 – v6.7.1 – v6.7.4 – v6.7.5 – V6.7.6 – v6.7.7 – v6.7.8 – v6.7.9 – 6.8.0. New releases are going to be installed as soon as they come out
✅ Run FDS+EVAC analysis using the same system
✅ Ready to run on SPOT instance to maximize saving*
✅ Post-process results using secure remote desktop connection to a dedicated instance with smokeview
Reduce your simulation time from days to hours. Register now and get 300 FREE vCPU/Hours for your simulations.
* To avoid BUGS, our team works in touch with the NIST. Make sure you use the most recent FDS version installed on our cloudHPC, in particular with SPOT instances
Register now to run your FDS on the cloud!

1 Comment
SFPE - CFD FEA SERVICE cooperation - Cloud HPC · 8 July 2024 at 2:41 pm
[…] FDS – Fire Dynamic Simulator […]